Michele Elmers is Co-Founder of Rebecca’s Homestead. She is a woman of deep, abiding faith in the God of the Bible, and a woman of integrity. Michele desires to be a woman of purpose regardless of age. She has been married to Dennis for 36 years and enjoys many adventures alongside him as both his wife and business partner at Homestead Lawn Sprinkler Co. (20 years and counting). She is the mother of four wonderful and loving children, three of whom are now adults: Rebecca (who is the reason for Rebecca’s Homestead), Adam, Andrew and Maria, keeping her young at heart.
Michele enjoys volunteering and serving in various ministries, working with kids, teens, young adults, and women’s ministry for almost 30 years. In 2016, along with her husband Dennis, Michele started Friends Unlimited, a ministry focusing on adults with developmental disabilities and their families. This ministry began with the support of her church pastor and families serving this population with social and advocacy opportunities.
As a resident of Jefferson Township for 35 years, Michele has been an active volunteer, supported the Girl Scouts, recreational sports teams, and has attended and supported the PTA. Additionally, Michele has organized mission work in various neighborhoods in NJ, PA, and Honduras. Michele considers these missions to be life-changing experiences that led her to develop a better understanding of the command to “love thy neighbor.” When asked about her goals going forward, Michele stated, “I desire to spend my life serving alongside others, until my last breath on this side of heaven, with the family God has given me, and the neighbors he has placed in my path.”